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8    red delicious or golden delicious apples
3/4    cup (175 mL) golden raisins
1 1/2    tablespoons (22 mL) grated orange zest
1/2    cup (125 mL) brown sugar


Wash and core apples. Score or partially remove the peel so the pulp can expand without bursting the skin during baking. (Leave enough peel intact to hold the apple's shape.) Plump raisins by soaking them in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse thoroughly.

Combine raisins, orange zest and brown sugar; spoon mixture into each apple cavity. Place apples upright in a shallow baking pan; add water to a depth of 1/2 inch (1 cm). Bake at 325°F (160°C) for 30 to 45 minutes, until apples are tender. Baste frequently with pan juices during baking. Makes 8 servings.

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